Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yangshuo 阳朔

This foot massage place offered to trim feet. How scary is that....


  1. Very unique blog.
    Great presentation.
    Fantastic pictures. Wow...

    I like your blog.

    Let's join green community to save our planet from destruction in the future. Together we can make a difference. We can reduce global warming. Find the methode, tips and great solution to make a better place in the world. We can help our next generation to enjoy a green planet. Act now!

    Please share this website to your friends and family.

    For more information, please visit:

    Keep blogging.
    Good day.

  2. Thank you for your comment. Appreciate that you like it. You can see more pictures on my second blog on
    many more photos to be added in the near future. PS: I promise I do my bit to save the our planet.
